Connector - Add a JDBC connector (MySQL, Oracle, etc)

Connector - Add a JDBC connector (MySQL, Oracle, etc)

Valid from 5.0

The documentation below is valid from Datafari v3.0 upwards

In order to crawl databases as MySQL or Oracle databases, please respect these steps (this example is for Debian and for a MySQL database but it is almost the same for Windows version) :

  • Download the Java connector for your database

  • Add the JAR file into the folder /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home/connector-lib-proprietary AND the folder /opt/datafari/tomcat-mcf/lib (yes, it is required in both folders), and make sure the jars have read access for the ‘datafari’ user

Here : mysql-connector-java-5.1.35-bin.jar

  • Edit the file : options.env.unix (in /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home ) (if you are on Windows, the file is options.env.win)

And add the path to the new lib in the -cp parameter :


You will have this :

  • Restart Datafari to load the library

  • You can now index your Database in ManifoldCF 

    • Configure the repository connection :

You will see the message : 'Connection working' .


    • Next configure the job as usual :

And you will see in the history that the job is correctly executed.

You can check it in Solr admin :

Valid from 3.0

The documentation below is valid from Datafari v3.0 upwards

In order to crawl databases as MySQL or Oracle databases, please respect these steps (this example is for Debian and for a MySQL database but it is almost the same for Windows version) :

  • Download the Java connector for your database

  • Add the JAR file into the folder /opt/datafari/mcf_home/connector-lib-proprietary AND the folder /opt/datafari/tomcat/lib (yes, it is required in both folders)

Here : mysql-connector-java-5.1.35-bin.jar

  • Edit the file : options.env.unix (in /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home ) (if you are on Windows, the file is options.env.win)

And add the path to the new lib in the -cp parameter :


You will have this :


  • Restart Datafari to load the library

  • You can now index your Database in ManifoldCF 

    • Configure the repository connection :

You will see the message : 'Driver class not found' .But it is not the case : the driver is correctly loaded.


    • Next configure the job as usual :

And you will see in the history that the job is correctly executed.

You can check it in Solr admin :