
In this page, we will show you how to generate OpenSearch standard responses from your Datafari's Solr indexes.

Therefore you can use it on your Windows explorer windows directly if you want.

You will need two files in order to do that :

  • A OSDX file

  • A XSLT file

The files are attached to this documentation page, in

On your Datafari server


We need now to transform the response sent by Solr with the XSLT writer to be compliant with the OpenSearch format.

To do that, we add the opensearch.xsl file in DATAFARI-SRC/solr/solr_home/FileShare/conf/

The fields displayed will be the title, the last modification date and the snippet highlighted for each document.

To take the file into account, you need either to reload the FileShare Solr core or restart Datafari.

On your Windows PC desktop

OSDX file

Copy the file datafari.osdx into your PC. This file contains the Solr connection information.

Edit the file to change the address of your Datafari server :

<Url type="application/rss+xml" template="http://localhost:8983/solr/FileShare/opensearch?q={searchTerms}&amp;wt=xslt&amp;tr=opensearch.xsl"/>

NB : in this example, we allow remote access of Solr and we do not use the search proxy which is not a recommanded way to do it in production.

To enable remote access  of Solr, edit the file DATAFARI_SRC/solr/server/etc/jetty-http.xml and comment the line :

<Set name="Host"></Set>

Then, to install it on your Windows system, just double click on it. You will see a new shortcut on your Windows explorer.

In case you get an “element blocked by Internet security parameters” error in windows explorer when searching, do the following:

 Open Internet Explorer

Go to Internet Options


Go to the security tab

Click on Trusted Sites


Click on Sites and add the ip address of your datafari, starting with http:// (do not add the port number, just the IP)


Restart your windows explorer, do another search and voila !