Highlighting configuration

Highlighting configuration

Valid from 5.0

The documentation below is valid from Datafari v3.0 upwards

Size limitations allow you to restrict the number of characters analyzed by the highlighter. The higher the number, the better the highlight and the slower the queries.

To set the size limitation, you have to be the search administrator. Go in the admin UI.


Now set the value to a positive integer, then click the “confirm” button :


Valid from 3.0 up to 5.0

The documentation below is valid from Datafari v3.0 upwards

Size limitations allow you to restrict the number of characters analyzed by the highlighter. The higher the number, the better the highlight and the slower the queries.

To set the size limitation, you have to be the search administrator. Go in the admin UI.

Now set the value to a positive integer, then click the “confirm” button :