System Configuration Manager (Zookeeper)

System Configuration Manager (Zookeeper)

Valid from 4.3

The documentation below is valid from Datafari v4.3 upwards

The search administrator has the task to manage the Solr configuration, which is done through Zookeeper.

Indeed, from Datafari 3, the SolrCloud mode is activated by default. Therefore, we cannot directly edit the configuration on the file system and reload the core. The Solr configuration is stored in Zookeeper.

1.Modify the configuration, send it back to Zookeeper and reload the Solr collection

  • Edit the Solr configuration 

    • From the admin UI: You can easily modify some parameters of the Solr configuration from the admin UI (e.g. the synonyms).

    • From the file system: You can change the configuration in the filesystem directory to change precise parameters that you cannot change directly in the UI. The path is : /opt/datafari/solr/solrcloud/FileShare/conf

  • Once modified, you have to send the new configuration to Zookeeper (see below)


We advise you to do a backup of the Solr configuration before upload the configuration to Zookeeper (see section below)

You can do it directly from the admin UI : click on the tab System Configuration Manager in the Search engine configuration section.

Now click on the button Push within the Push my modifications to the System Configuration Manager section, in order to upload your new configuration to Zookeeper.

Doing that, your modified configuration is now stored in Zookeeper. 

By default, all files are uploaded excepted the files modified by the Solr API : configoverlay.json,configsetprops.json,managed-schema,params.json
This list can be modified if needed. To do so edit the file /opt/datafari/tomcat/conf/solr.properties : the line to change is :
When you are done with your changes, restart Datafari (or simply restart Tomcat only) to take the changes into effect.

The final step is to load it into Solr.

  • Reload Collection

We now tell to the Solr collection FileShare to reload itself to use the latest version of the Solr configuration from Zookeeper.

To do that, click on the button Apply within the Apply my modifications to this Datafari instance section.

Be careful to not do that when Solr is heavy loaded, especially during indexing.

2. Download the Solr configuration from Zookeeper

If you want to download the Solr configuration present in Zookeeper and store into the file system (in /opt/datafari/bin/backup/solr), simply click on the Download button within the Download Configuration Files from the System Configuration Manager section.

NB : It only applies for the FileShare configuration. If you have any changes that you want to apply for other ZK configurations like Duplicates, Promolinks for example, you can use the command line like that :

/opt/datafari/solr/bin/solr zk upconfig -n Duplicates -d /opt/datafari/solr/solrcloud/Duplicates/conf -z localhost:2181

In this example we sent the Duplicates conf to ZK.

Then you need to reload manually the collection :

curl --insecure "https://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=RELOAD&name=Duplicates"

The search administrator has the task to manage the Solr configuration, which is done through Zookeeper.

Indeed, from Datafari 3, the SolrCloud mode is activated by default. Therefore, we cannot directly edit the configuration on the file system and reload the core. The Solr configuration is stored in Zookeeper.

1.Modify the configuration, send it back to Zookeeper and reload the Solr collection

  • Edit the Solr configuration 

    • From the admin UI

You can easily modify some parameters of the Solr configuration from the admin UI (e.g. the synonyms).

  • From the file system

You can change the configuration in the filesystem directory to change precise parameters that you cannot change directly in the UI. The path is : /opt/datafari/solr/solrcloud/FileShare/conf

  • Send the new configuration to Zookeeper

When you are done with your changes, you have to send the new configuration to Zookeeper.

You can do it directly from the admin UI : click on the tab Zookeeper located in Search engine configuration section.

Now click on the button Upload configuration to Zookeeper.

Doing that, your modified configuration is now stored in Zookeeper. 

The final step is to load it into Solr.

  • Reload Collection

We now tell to the Solr collection FileShare to reload itself to use the latest version of the Solr configuration from Zookeeper.

To do that, click on the button Reload.

Be careful to not do that when Solr is heavy loaded, especially during indexing.

2. Download the Solr configuration from Zookeeper

If you want to replace the Solr configuration present on the filesystem by the Solr configuration present in Zookeeper, simply click on the Download button in the Zookeeper Admin UI.

The Solr configuration present in /opt/datafari/solr/solrcloud/FileShare/conf will be replaced by the Solr configuration from the Zookeeper server.

Note :

If you added configuration files on the files system that are not present in the configuration stored in Zookeeper, those files will not be deleted when downloading the configuration from Zookeeper. If you want a clean copy of the configuration stored in zookeeper, you need to first clean up the folder /opt/datafari/solr/solrcloud/FileShare/conf and then perform the download (using the button in the UI).

The search administrator has the task to manage the Solr configuration, which is done through Zookeeper.

Indeed, from Datafari 3, the SolrCloud mode is activated by default. Therefore, we cannot directly edit the configuration on the file system and reload the core. The Solr configuration is stored in Zookeeper.

1.Modify the configuration, send it back to Zookeeper and reload the Solr collection

  • Edit the Solr configuration 

    • From the admin UI

You can easily modify some parameters of the Solr configuration from the admin UI (e.g. the synonyms).


    • From the file system

You can change the configuration in the filesystem directory to change precise parameters that you cannot change directly in the UI. The path is : /opt/datafari/solr/solrcloud/FileShare/conf

  • Send the new configuration to Zookeeper

When you are done with your changes, you have to send the new configuration to Zookeeper.

You can do it directly from the admin UI : click on the tab System Configuration Manager in the Search engine configuration section.

Now click on the button Push within the Push my modifications to the System Configuration Manager section, in order to upload your new configuration to Zookeeper.

Doing that, your modified configuration is now stored in Zookeeper. 

The final step is to load it into Solr.

  • Reload Collection

We now tell to the Solr collection FileShare to reload itself to use the latest version of the Solr configuration from Zookeeper.

To do that, click on the button Apply within the Apply my modifications to this Datafari instance section.

Be careful to not do that when Solr is heavy loaded, especially during indexing.

2. Download the Solr configuration from Zookeeper

If you want to download the Solr configuration present in Zookeeper and store into the file system (in /opt/datafari/bin/backup/solr), simply click on the Download button within the Download Configuration Files from the System Configuration Manager section.

The search administrator has the task to manage the Solr configuration, which is done through Zookeeper.

Indeed, from Datafari 3, the SolrCloud mode is activated by default. Therefore, we cannot directly edit the configuration on the file system and reload the core. The Solr configuration is stored in Zookeeper.

1.Modify the configuration, send it back to Zookeeper and reload the Solr collection

  • Edit the Solr configuration 

    • From the admin UI

You can easily modify some parameters of the Solr configuration from the admin UI (e.g. the synonyms).

  • From the file system

You can change the configuration in the filesystem directory to change precise parameters that you cannot change directly in the UI. The path is : /opt/datafari/solr/solrcloud/FileShare/conf

  • Send the new configuration to Zookeeper

When you are done with your changes, you have to send the new configuration to Zookeeper.

You can do it directly from the admin UI : click on the tab Zookeeper located in Search engine configuration section.

Now click on the button Upload configuration to Zookeeper.

Doing that, your modified configuration is now stored in Zookeeper. 

The final step is to load it into Solr.

  • Reload Collection

We now tell to the Solr collection FileShare to reload itself to use the latest version of the Solr configuration from Zookeeper.

To do that, click on the button Reload.

Be careful to not do that when Solr is heavy loaded, especially during indexing.

2. Download the Solr configuration from Zookeeper

If you want to replace the Solr configuration present on the filesystem by the Solr configuration present in Zookeeper, simply click on the Download button in the Zookeeper Admin UI.

The Solr configuration present in /opt/datafari/solr/solrcloud/FileShare/conf will be replaced by the Solr configuration from the Zookeeper server.

Note :

If you added configuration files on the files system that are not present in the configuration stored in Zookeeper, those files will not be deleted when downloading the configuration from Zookeeper. If you want a clean copy of the configuration stored in zookeeper, you need to first clean up the folder /opt/datafari/solr/solrcloud/FileShare/conf and then perform the download (using the button in the UI).