

Datafari belongs to the field of so-called "Insight engines" by the Gartner Group. It goes beyond pure search, providing analytic capabilities, cognitive tools and advanced administration interfaces.

Datafari is the ideal product for those who want to analyze and search through their data, while using advanced open source technologies. Datafari combines Apache ManifoldCF and Apache Solr, to allow its users to search through many different and diverse data sources: their file shares, their cloud shares (dropbox, google drive…), their databases, but also their emails and many more. Available as community or enterprise version, Datafari has its specificities:

  • Its open source licence is non aggressive as its under Apache v2 licence: you are free to do whatever you want with it, you just need to mention that you’re using it.

  • It combines several popular Apache projects: Solr, ManifoldCF, and Cassandra, which guarantees stability over time.

  • It provides analytics capabilities, through the availability of graphical dashboards (based on React starting with Datafari 6).


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