Alerts management - Mail Configuration

Alerts management - Mail Configuration


Valid from 3.2

The documentation below is valid from Datafari v3.2 upwards

Search admin: managing the alerts mechanism

Using the search admin role, you first need to configure the alert mechanism so that it uses the smtp server to send emails.   

The Alerts Administration UI allows to graphically edit the config file alerts.properties which is stored in InstallationDirectoryDatafari/tomcat/conf/

It needs the following information:

  • SMTP = the name of the SMTP host

  • Address = the sender address (exemple@exemple.com)

  • User = the username (usually it will be the address)

  • Password = the password of the mail address

For instance :

Once this is configured and saved, Datafari will automatically restart the alerts to take into account your modifications.

The search admin has more access rights than a connected search user. He gets the same type of information, except that he sees it for everyone. The only thing he cannot do is to create alers on behalf of other users.

Accessing the SMTP

Note that in a corporate environment, you may need to ask the IT department for the authorisation to connect to the corporate smtp server from your Datafari server.