Index fields relevancy weights Configuration

Index fields relevancy weights Configuration

Valid from 6.0

The documentation below is valid from Datafari v6.0 upwards

Every modification you do with this UI will be saved via the Solr API into the file params.json . Note that the solrconfig.xml file still exists but is overwritten by params.json, so we do not recommend trying to edit it directly, unless you are fully confident of what you are doing. Assuming you want to reapply the default configuration for the field weights, you can open solrconfig.xml original searchhandler configuration (located in {Datafari_home}/solr/solr_home/FileShare/conf/solrconfig.xml) and copy paste the pf and qf configuration through the amin UI.

This admin UI allows you to modify the weight of any field, in order to optimize the relevance of the documents proposed by Datafari for your search query.

The first array lets you choose all of the fields you want your query to be based on, and their associated weigh. It corresponds to the qf parameter. You can edit the weight of the default fields or delete them if you want (deleting means that even if your query is found in a deleted field, it will not be taken into account for the results). You can also add new fields that you want to add for the search thanks to the "add a field" button. When you are satisfied with the new values, click on the confirm button just below the table.


At the bottom of the page, there is also an expert mode that allows you to quickly edit the pf and the qf values directly by a text field. Be careful to respect the syntax : field^weight and a blank space between the different fields for example :
title_en^50 content_en^10.

You also need to check the fieldtype of the field that you want to add and also its attributes. The field needs to have the attribute indexed=”true” and you also need that the field be tokenized. Indeed if its fieldtype is string, it will match only if the exact term is entered by the user.

The best approach is to have several copyfields in order to have fields only for searching and other fields for faceting or for display into the UI. Check the default configuration of the Solr schema into Datafari and adjust it depending on your needs !

Because the concepts of PF and QF can be challenging to understand, both are available only via the expert mode. In order to better understand these concepts, please consult the Solr documentation on the dismax query parser.

In addition to QF and PF field, you can add Boost (boost), Boost Query (bq) et Boost Function (bf) from since interface since Datafari 6.0. However, as the params.json file only accepts one entry of each type, you can not add more that one of each of these fields through this interface. If you need more than one “boost”, “bf” of “bq”, consider editing your Solr configuration.

Find out more about “bf” and “bq” in the Solr documentation on the dismax query parser.

Find out more about “boost” in the Solr documentation on the Extended Dismax query parser.

Notice that once you can click on the Confirm button, the modifications are immediately taken into account with no further action.

This admin UI allows you to modify the weight of any field, in order to optimize the relevance of the documents proposed by Datafari for your search query.

The first array lets you choose all of the fields you want your query to be based on, and their associated weigh. It corresponds to the qf parameter. You can edit the weight of the default fields or delete them if you want (deleting means that even if your query is found in a deleted field, it will not be taken into account for the results). You can also add new fields that you want to add for the search thanks to the "add a field" button. When you are satisfied with the new values, click on the confirm button just below the table.


At the bottom of the page, there is also an expert mode that allows you to quickly edit the pf and the qf values directly by a text field. Be careful to respect the syntax : field^weight and a blank space between the different fields for example :
title_en^50 content_en10.

You also need to check the fieldtype of the field that you want to add and also its attributes. The field needs to have the attribute indexed=”true” and you also need that the field be tokenized. Indeed if its fieldtype is string, it will match only if the exact term is entered by the user.

The best approach is to have several copyfields in order to have fields only for searching and other fields for faceting or for display into the UI. Check the default configuration of the Solr schema into Datafari and adjust it depending on your needs !

Because the concepts of PF and QF can be challenging to understand, both are available only via the expert mode. In order to better understand these concepts, please consult the Solr documentation on the edismax query parser.

This admin UI allows you to modify the weight of any field, in order to optimize the relevance of the documents proposed by Datafari for your search query.

The first array lets you choose all of the fields you want your query to be based on, and their associated weigh. It corresponds to the qf parameter. You can edit the weight of the default fields or delete them if you want (deleting means that even if your query is found in a deleted field, it will not be taken into account for the results). You can also add new fields that you want to add for the search thanks to the "add a field" button. When you are satisfied with the new values, click on the confirm button just below the table.

At the bottom of the page, there is also an expert mode that allows you to quickly edit the pf and the qf values directly by a text field. Be careful to respect the syntax : field^weight and a blank space between the different fields for example :
title_en^50 content_en10.

Because the concepts of PF and QF can be challenging to understand, both are available only via the expert mode. In order to better understand these concepts, please consult the Solr documentation on the edismax query parser.

Every modification you do with this UI will be saved in a custom searchHandler which is located in the {Datafari_home}/solr/solr_home/FileShare/conf/customs_solrconfig/custom_search_handler.incl, and the original searchHandler from the standard solrconfig.xml file will be (if not already) commented. Thanks to this behavior you can "rollback" your modifications and re-apply the default settings by uncommenting the original searchHandler in {Datafari_home}/solr/solr_home/FileShare/conf/solrconfig.xml and removing the custom one in {Datafari_home}/solr/solr_home/FileShare/conf/customs_solrconfig/custom_search_handler.incl

This admin UI allows you to modify the weight of any field, in order to optimize the persistence of Datafari regarding your documents.

There are two kinds of weights: those for unique word search and those for multiple words search. So, depending on the kind of weight you want to modify, select your desired field in the corresponding list. The current weight of the field will be displayed in the text area and you will be free to set a new value.

Once you are satisfied with the new value, click on the "Confirm" button.

Notice that in order to take your modifications into account, you will need to push your config through the System Configuration Manager (Zookeeper) admin link, and then restart your Datafari.

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