Change tmp directory in Datafari

Change tmp directory in Datafari

Starting from Datafari 5.2

Datafari uses the folder /opt/datafari/tmp to store temporary files.

You can change this value but keep in mind these recommandations :

The tmp directory is a directory used by all JVM (and the OS), in which tmp files will be created. Usually, these tmp files are files that need to be read by an application and that are too big or too dangerous to be directly treated in memory. So it is really important for both Datafari and the operatig system on which it is installed, that the tmp directory fits the following recommandations :

  • Be on the fastest available partition (SSD or equivalent)

  • The partition holding the tmp directoy must have enough available free space : at least 10% of the partition on which Datafari is installed

  • Be readable, writable and executable by any user

  • Be directly reachable by Datafari, no particular protocol or credentials to use.

By default, Datafari uses the opt/datafari/tmp directory. However, if you need to change it, you can do so before the initialization of Datafari.

You need to edit the file $DATAFARI_HOME/bin/deployUtils/temp_directory.properties and change the properties that you want to indicate what path you want for the listed components.

TOMCATTMPDIR=/opt/datafari/tmp TOMCATMCFTMPDIR=/opt/datafari/tmp MCFTMPDIR=/opt/datafari/tmp SOLRTMPDIR=/opt/datafari/tmp TIKATMPDIR=/opt/datafari/tmp

Starting from Datafari 5.0 up to 5.1

Datafari uses the folder /tmp to store temporary files.

You can change this value but keep in mind these recommandations :

The tmp directory is a directory used by all JVM (and the OS), in which tmp files will be created. Usually, these tmp files are files that need to be read by an application and that are too big or too dangerous to be directly treated in memory. So it is really important for both Datafari and the operatig system on which it is installed, that the tmp directory fits the following recommandations :

  • Be on the fastest available partition (SSD or equivalent)

  • The partition holding the tmp directoy must have enough available free space : at least 10% of the partition on which Datafari is installed

  • Be readable and writable by any user

  • Be directly reachable by Datafari, no particular protocol or credentials to use.

By default, Datafari uses the /tmp directory. However, if you need to change it, you will need to follow these steps :

  • Edit the DATAFARI_HOME/mcf/mcf_home/options.env.unix file (on Datafari main node and on each MCF node if in n-tier architecture) and add the following line at the end of the file : -Djava.io.tmpdir=/path/to/tmpdir

  • Edit the DATAFARI_HOME/tomcat/bin/setenv.sh and the DATAFARI_HOME/tomcat-mcf/bin/setenv.sh files, and update the JAVA_OPTS parameter to add the -Djava.io.tmpdir=/path/to/tmpdir param. 

    JAVA_OPTS="-Duser.timezone=UTC -Djava.io.tmpdir=/path/to/tmpdir"


  • Edit the DATAFARI_HOME/solr/bin/solr.in.sh  (on each Solr node if in n-tier architecture) and update the SOLR_OPTS parameter to add the -Djava.io.tmpdir=/path/to/tmpdir param

    SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dsolr.ssl.checkPeerName=false -Djava.io.tmpdir=/path/to/tmpdir"


  • Edit the DATAFARI_HOME/tika-server/bin/set-tika-env.sh and update the TMP_DIR parameter to set it to your wanted /path/to/tmpdir

For Datafari 4.x

The tmp directory is a directory used by all JVM (and the OS), in which tmp files will be created. Usually, these tmp files are files that need to be read by an application and that are too big or too dangerous to be directly treated in memory. So it is really important for both Datafari and the operatig system on which it is installed, that the tmp directory fits the following recommandations :

  • Be on the fastest available partition (SSD or equivalent)

  • The partition holding the tmp directoy must have enough available free space : at least 10% of the partition on which Datafari is installed

  • Be readable and writable by any user

  • Be directly reachable by Datafari, no particular protocol or credentials to use.

By default, Datafari uses the tmp directory path provided by the OS on which it is installed. However, if you need to change it, you will need to follow these steps :

  • Edit the DATAFARI_HOME/mcf/mcf_home/options.env.unix file (on Datafari main node and on each MCF node if in n-tier architecture) and add the following line at the end of the file : -Djava.io.tmpdir=/path/to/tmpdir

  • Edit the DATAFARI_HOME/tomcat/bin/setenv.sh and the DATAFARI_HOME/tomcat-mcf/bin/setenv.sh files, and update the JAVA_OPTS parameter to add the -Djava.io.tmpdir=/path/to/tmpdir param. 


  • Edit the DATAFARI_HOME/solr/bin/solr.in.sh  (on each Solr node if in n-tier architecture) and update the SOLR_OPTS parameter to add the -Djava.io.tmpdir=/path/to/tmpdir param