Customizing DatafariUI

This documentation is complemented by the that gives you more indepth details for low level modifications of DatafariUI, in particular those that require rebuilding the framework.

The documentation below is valid from November 5th 2021 or from commit dbb8d17e6a35b5a313e4086e0b04fffaaa94a24c of the DatafariUI repository.

Table of content

Customizing top left logo and background image

The top left logo is a public file which path from the root installation of DatafariUI is:


You can change it to put any png file containing your logo. Note that you MUST keep the naming (and hence you must use the png format).

If you are using DatafariUI bundled with Datafari and the default installation path, the file is located at:


A square is preferred. Be aware that the file will be resized to 50px in height when displayed in the interface.

The logo used in the front page is a public file which path from the root installation of DatafariUI is:


You can change it to put any png file containing your logo. Note that you MUST keep the naming (and hence you must use the png format).

If you are using DatafariUI bundled with Datafari and the default installation path, the file is located at:

The top header background image is a public file located in the root installation of DatafariUI :


If you are using DatafariUI bundled with Datafari and the default installation path, the file is located at:


This image should be minimum 1920px width and max 65px height. Note that you MUST keep the naming (and hence you must use the png format).

Customizing Displayed Facets and Elements

It is possible to customize the facets displayed as well as some of the elements displayed in DatafariUI by modifying a configuration file. This configuration file is ui-config.json and is present in the public folder of the DatafariUI project.

When installed bundled with Datafari, the location of this file is:

The default file looks like the following:

The “left” key corresponds to what is displayed in the left column of the interface.

The “center” key corresponds to what is displayed in the center (main) part of the interface. It contains two objects, a “main” object which may contain any component, and a “tabs” containing the declaration of tabs that are explained here: Customizing DatafariUI | Search Tabs.

The “right” key corresponds to what is displayed in the right column of the interface.

Each of these keys refer to an array of objects representing UI components.

Each object has a “type” property declaring the component to be instantiated as well as parameters for this component.

Supported components are:

  • FieldFacet

  • QueryFacet

  • DateFacetCustom

  • HierarchicalFacet

  • SearchInformation

  • ResultsList

  • RangeFacet

  • AggregatorFacet

Then, there is the “searchBar” key, that contains an object giving properties for the search bar and the suggesters to use in the “suggesters” array.

Two types of suggesters are supported:



Finaly, some customization of the hotkeys is possible through “hotkeys” object.

Below are the details of each component and their parameters.

Field Facet

A field facet displays a facet tied to a given field, with the possibility to filter results based on the field values.

It looks like this:

It is usually used on the left column.

The definition of a field facet looks like the following:




Default value




Default value





The title showed at the top of the facet




The solr field associated to the facet




Operator, either “OR” or “AND”. Tells how documents are shown when selecting multiple entries in the facet. If “OR” documents need to have at least one selected element in the concerned field to be selected. If “AND” they need to have all selected elements as part of the concerned field




The maximum number of elements that are shown if the facet is not expanded




The maximum number of elements that are shown if the facet is expanded (after clicking show more)




Specify the type of FieldFacet to use. It can take these values :

  • checkbox : use classic FieldFacet with a checkbox list

Checkbox display (default)
  • autocomplete




True to display the FieldFacet in the left panel. This option is only an UI effect. The facet is still registered as a field facet in the query.




Set to true to force the query to Solr even if show is false (keep in mind that if show is true, the facet is queried whatever the value of the sendToSolr parameter). Required to be true for the use of field facet tabs (Customizing DatafariUI | Search Tabs ), which is its only purpose for now.


A query facet displays a facet tied to provided queries with the possibility to filter results based on those queries. It can include children components, providing the ability for the user to provide a custom query. In the example below, we present a way to provide a custom date range.

It looks like this:

It is usually used on the left column.

The definition of a query facet looks like the following:


  • title: the title showed at the top of the facet

  • queries: the solr queries to execute for the facet

  • labels: The labels to be shown to the users alongside each query result

  • id: an internal unique identifier that you must specify

  • minShow: The maximum number of elements that are shown if the facet is not expanded

  • maxShow: The maximum number of elements that are shown if the facet is expanded (after clicking show more)

  • children: an array of children components displayed directly below this facet. Made available to specify components allowing users to specify custom queries, like the one to specify a custom date range shown in the example

  • show (optional) : True to display the facet. False to hide the facet

  • variant (optional, default is `both') : differ the display according to the given variant value. It could be :

    • queries_only : Only display solr queries as multiple checkboxes list

    • children_only : only display the children component contained in the children props of the QueryFacet

    • both (default) : Display both queries list and children components


Allows users to specify a custom date range applied to the creation_date field. Specifically built to be displayed together with the creation date query facet.

Looks like this:

defined like this:

Has no parameters.


Displays a documents hierarchy as a facet, based on the information stored in a dedicated solr field.

It looks like the following:

The definition looks like:


  • title: the title showed at the top of the facet

  • field: the solr field in which hierarchy information are stored. The default is urlHierarchy in Datafari.

  • separator: the separator used in the solr filed to separate levels of hierarchy. The default is “/” in Datafari

Aggregator Facet

Displays a facet to chose the sources to aggregate from when the aggregator is active. Source names are retrieved from the backend.

The definition looks like


  • title: the title showed at the top of the facet

  • show: show or hide this facet

Quick Links widget

Widget to display links to quickly navigate to useful content.


It is usually used in the right column. The widget definition looks like this:


type - The type of component to place in the service
title - The title showed at the top of the facet
show - Custom parameter, default value is true. true - for will enable the display of the "Direct Links" widget in the right pane. false - to hide its display in the service. This option is just a user interface effect. The widget is still registered with the service.
visible - Custom parameter, default value is 10. Specifies the maximum number of records that will be immediately visible when the widget is displayed

Yellow Page widget

Widget to display useful contact information


It is usually used in the right column. The widget definition looks like this:


type - The type of component to place in the service
title - The title showed at the top of the facet
show - Custom parameter, default value is true. true - for will enable the display of the "Yellow Pages" widget in the right pane. false - to hide its display in the service. This option is just a user interface effect. The widget is still registered with the service.
visible - Custom parameter, default value is 1. Specifies the maximum number of records that will be immediately visible when the widget is displayed


Displays some information about the current search, such as:

  • currently searched terms

  • spell checking information if available as well as automatic spell checking query firing if 0 results were found

  • filters applied

  • facet filters applied

It looks like this:

The definition looks like:


  • data: An array of data to be displayed. Possible values:

    • “filters”: displays the “other filters” section if present

    • “facets”: displays the facets in the filters section if present

The current search and spellcheck info are always displayed if this component is used.

Search Tabs

The UI configuration allows to add graphical tabs below the search bar, between the All content tab and the Search Tools tab.

As of the writing of this documentation (March 2022), we propose two types of tabs :

  • FieldFacet : it will generate as many tabs as a field contains out of a result query. For example, with the "extension" field in our demo, it will create one tab per type of extension returned by the search query (for instance one tab for the pdf type, one for the doc type etc).
    This type of tab has two parameters :
    field : the field name used to generate the tabs
    max: the max number of tabs that can be generated

  • Raw : This type of tab is called raw because it is just a link to a given URL. It has 2 parameters :
    label : the label of the tab (it is i18n)
    url: an HTTP URL.
    target: (optional) define where to open the url. If absent, default is _self. Values accepted: _self OR _blank

These tabs can be declared as illustrated below in the ui-config.json, in the center property :

Here is an example :

Note the repo_source field defined in the FieldFacet tab is also declared as the field parameters of a FieldFacet facet in the left section.


Shows the list of results.

Looks like this:

The definition looks like this, in ui-config.json


  • data: An array of data to be displayed. Possible values:

    • title: Displays the document title for each result if present

    • url : Displays the url for each result if present

    • logo: Displays the file type logo for each result if present

    • previewButton: Displays the preview button for each result if present

    • extract: Displays the text snippet with highlighting for each result if present

  • folderLinkSource (default is an empty array[] in which case nothing will be displayed) : array of sources to open as a folder. Needs to match with sources declared (case sensitive). For instance, if you have a source named “Enron”, the array should be ["Enron"]

  • folderTarget (optional, default is _blank): target to open folder. Values are the same as the HTML attribute target. The values you can declare mandatorily come from the repo_source solr field, displayed via the source facet field to users.

  • previewTarget (optional, default _self): target to open preview page. Values are the same as the HTML attribute target.

Any data not present is not displayed. If the data parameter is absent or is not an array, the default (showing everything) is used. Values other than the one given above are ignored. An empty array results in the following (Yes this is useless but possible):

Range Facet

Range Facet is a facet that displays a bar chart with a range selection tool. It is a generic react component that could be used to display any kind of dual axis data.

From ui-config.json file, you can customize the following parameters of the chart :






Facet type set to RangeFacet


i18n facet title


Solr field to bind


Solr range start


Solr range end


Solr range gap


Key used to format data and used to display the Y bar legend. Key is i18n.

ranges (Optional)

Array of predefined integer ranges to get as much as radio button selection to give to the brush tool a predefined range. Default is an empty array and the ranges controls are hidden.

rangeLabel (Optional)

i18n label next to range value

showBrushBounds (Optional)

true to display the brush bounds under the brush tool. Default is false

barFillColor (Optional)

Bar fill color. Default is #679439AA (smooth green)

brushStrokeColor (Optional)

brush stroke color (range selection tool under the graph). Default is #679439 (smooth green)

Configuration example include in left facet :


Example of override default parameters :

You get the following result :


You can create/extend the actual RangeFacet component. It is based on the RangeBarChart component, a customizable react bar chart component, based itself on the library.

The RangeBarChart component can be embed into any other component like the RangeFacet that displays the graph as a facet with a maximal height. This component uses the following props :

Prop name



Prop name





an array of objects that represents the data to be displayed in the graph. The minimal object structure must be as follows :

Example :

X labels will be based on x_datakey value. The legend for Y axis will be based on x_datakey name (not the value!). Each axis is auto scale.

With the previous example, the dates are used for X labels. doc appears in the legend on top. But you can use any type of values as well :



Name of the field in the data array object for X axis



Name of the field in the data array object for Y axis



Max height of the graph. Default is 100%



Width of the graph. Default is 100%



Start index of the brush tool



End index of the brush tool



CSS color of the brush tool stroke. Default is #679439



CSS color of the chart bar. Default is #679439AA



A function that takes the X axis label value and returns a formatted value. Default is undefined.



A function that formats the brush label as you will. Default returns the current value


function<startIndex, endIndex>:void

A function called when the user has changed the brush selection.

Customize Search Bar component

This component comes with autocomplete feature which suggesters can be customized from the ui-config.json file.

Depending on what suggesters are configured into it, the search bar will be displaying suggestions according to the suggesters. User can navigate through it with the keyboard arrows, each selection will update the search bar value. User can press Enter to perform a search.

The searchBar has the following parameters :






Array of suggesters.

Several suggesters can be added, even if they are of the same type : you can add 2 entity suggesters but with different field/suggester.