Synonyms and stopwords

Valid from Datafari 2.0

Those two functionnalities are very similar since they use the corresponding Solr basic functionnalities that rely on a text file.

Unless it has been modified, those text files are located in the conf folder of the FileShare core.

Note that from a functionality perspective, the Admin UI proposes a html UI with forms to properly edit these files without directly accessing them.

In these Solr files, the syntax for the synonyms is as follows :

i-pod, i pod => ipod, sea biscuit, sea biscit => seabiscuit

The syntax for the stopwords file is the following one :

a an to from

To prevent two people from modifying the same text file at the same moment, the servlets dedicated to these functionnalities use a mutex semaphore. There is also a list_language.txt that you have to fill, which defines where to apply the semaphores.

You can see the effect of the stopword filter in the solr admin UI analysis.