

Deprecated as of Datafari 5.2

Please refer to [DEPRECATED] Analytic Stack (Apache Zeppelin)

Valid from Datafari 5.0

The documentation below is valid starting from v5.0 onwards

Starting with Datafari 5.0, the Elastic ELK stack has been replaced by the Opendistro on. This has brought some changes, especially concerning the security aspect: Opendistro provides an open source security plugin equivalent to the proprietary Elastic security suite.

As a consequence, the access to the Kibana UI is not handled anymore by an apache proxy in front, but rather by the Opendistro plugin.

When performing modifications in any file mentioned in this documentation, you will need to run the following command in order to apply them (the OpenDistro stack needs to be up and running):

  • sudo su datafari -c "[DATAFARI_HOME]/elk/elasticsearch/securityadmin_datafari.sh"

1. Tenant system

The security principle is based on what it is called a “tenant”. Simply put, a tenant is a “space” that contains Kibana dashboards, visualizations and objects. We can then attribute read/write rights to users, or allow them to do some admin operations on those tenants. This will give them access to the dashboards, visualizations etc. contained in the tenants on which they have read access. They can obviously modify or create new ones assuming they have the correct rights.

In Datafari we have created two tenants:

  • [Enterprise Edition Only] admin_tenant: tenant where we stored all the dashboards and visualizations reserved to the searchadmin user

  • searchexpert_tenant: tenant where we stored all dashboards and visualizations reserved to the searchexpert user

The tenants are declared and stored in the file [DATAFARI_HOME]/elk/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/securityconfig/tenants.yml

To modify or create a tenant you can either:

In the Kibana UI, in case f you have access rights to several tenants, you will need to switch between them in order to view all the dashboards and visualizations. Please remember this, because only one tenant can be active at a time. This means that although globally you are entitled to visualise dashboards from separate tenants, if you not manually switch from one tenant to the other, you will not be able to see all of the dashboards.

To switch between tenants click on the “Tenant” tab located in the left menu:

Then click on the “Select” button of the tenant you want to active/switch to:

2. Users and roles

With OpenDistro, users and roles are managed independently from Datafari.

a. The users

There are 3 users defined by default:

  • admin: this user has full access to the tenants and can perform any operation (creation/modification/deletion/maintenance) and is reserved to this purpose only

  • [Enterprise Edition Only] searchadmin: this user has full access to the two tenants and can then read all the dashboards and visualization but can also modify them and create new ones

  • searchexpert: this user has full read access to the searchexpert_tenant, so he can visualize any dashboard and visualization from this tenant, but cannot modify them or add new ones. He does not have access to the admin_tenant.

These users are defined in the file [DATAFARI_HOME]/elk/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/securityconfig/internal_users.yml

They are also created with the “admin” default password. To change their password you can use the admin UI (see further below) or you can do it manually :

  • Hash the wanted password using the tool provided by OpenDistro:

    bash [DATAFARI_HOME]/elk/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/tools/hash.sh -p newpassword
  • Set the hashed password to the desired user in [DATAFARI_HOME]/elk/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/securityconfig/internal_users.yml

    admin: hash: "newpasswordhashvalue"
  • Apply you modification thanks to the securityadmin_datafari.sh script:

Datafari provides an admin UI to simply modify the password of the searchadmin and searchexpert users but not for the admin user (for the latter, use the manual procedure above). This UI is located under the User Management → Manage Datafari Services Users:

You can add new users by either using the Kibana UI or the REST API or through the file [DATAFARI_HOME]/elk/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/securityconfig/internal_users.yml. Here is the official OpenDistro documentation concerning how to do with Kibana and the REST API: https://opendistro.github.io/for-elasticsearch-docs/docs/security/access-control/users-roles/#kibana
If you add new users with the file you will need to apply the changes by running the script [DATAFARI_HOME]/elk/elasticsearch/securityadmin_datafari.sh with the ‘datafari’ user. Also notice that the Datafari admin UI will only display the searchexpert and searchadmin users, not the other users you will create.

b. The roles

OpenDistro roles allow users to have read and/or write access to either index patterns, or tenants, or both.

Index patterns are linked to Elasticsearch indexes and tell Kibana what Elasticsearch indexes to query to retrieve data and how to interpret the data/fields. So having read rights to an index pattern means that one can perform queries on the Elasticsearch indexes linked to the index pattern and retrieve the fields defined by the index pattern. Having write rights on an index pattern means that one can modify the index pattern to add or remove fields for example.
There are 4 index patterns defined by default by Datafari:

  • statistics : linked to the “statistics” Elasticsearch index, containing all the search statistics of Datafari

  • monitoring : linked to the “monitoring” Elasticsearch index, containing all the monitoring logs of Datafari

  • [Enterprise Edition Only] crawl : linked to the “crawl” Elasticsearch index, containing all the crawl logs of Datafari

  • [Enterprise Edition Only] logs-* : linked to all the logs Elasticsearch indexes (the is one logs-xxxx-xx-xx index for each day where there are crawl data, ex: logs-2020-02-19), containing all the monitoring logs of Datafari

Concerning roles, two specific roles are provided with Datafari:

  • search_expert: have read rights on “statistics” and “monitoring” index patterns and read rights on “searchexpert_tenant”

  • [Enterprise Edition Only] search_admin: have read rights on all the index patterns, and read+write rights on the two tenants “admin_tenant” and “searchexpert_tenant”

The roles are defined in the file [DATAFARI_HOME]/elk/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/securityconfig/roles.yml along with some “standard” roles defined by default by OpenDistro.

You can add or modify roles either through the Kibana UI, or the REST API or in the file. Here is the official OpenDistro documentation concerning how to do with Kibana and the REST API: https://opendistro.github.io/for-elasticsearch-docs/docs/security/access-control/users-roles/#create-roles
As usual if you made changes in the file you will then need to run the script [DATAFARI_HOME]/elk/elasticsearch/securityadmin_datafari.sh with the ‘datafari’ user in order to apply them.

To attribute roles to users, you need to define roles mapping. For the default roles described above, this is done in the file [DATAFARI_HOME]/elk/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/securityconfig/roles_mapping.yml. So you can modify or define new roles mapping in that file or you can use the Kibana UI or REST API. You can have a more detailed explanation about role mapping in the official OpenDistro documentation: https://opendistro.github.io/for-elasticsearch-docs/docs/security/access-control/users-roles/#map-users-to-roles

As usual if you made changes in the file you will then need to run the script [DATAFARI_HOME]/elk/elasticsearch/securityadmin_datafari.sh with the ‘datafari’ user in order to apply them !