AdminUI pages - Stylesheet recommandations
Valid as of Datafari 4.4
This documentation below is valid starting with Datafari 4.4
To guarantee a homogeneous experience for administrators, we created the following recommandations whenever a new admin UI is proposed:
For forms and buttons:
Each line must be composed of 2 columns:
the first on the left contains a short explanatory text. The text is aligned on the left (see point 3. below). If possible, a tooltip is also provided.
the second in the center contains the form field or the button.
It is forbiden to have a button or a form field withouth a text in the first column
It is forbidden to have two (or more) buttons and/or formfields on one lign.
Every sub-item is inside a ā
", right under it is a small documentation inside a rounded box with a(#D3D3D3) /lightgray/ background-color
and a(#696969) /dimgray/
font color.The content is aligned to the left, first column MUST be a ā
", text align of the first column is aligned to the left.