Install Datafari - Community Edition

Install Datafari - Community Edition


Valid starting from v5.0

The documentation below is valid from Datafari v5.0 onwards


Want the simplest way to install ? Quick start guide !

If you are here but looking for the simplest way to install Datafari, we recommend you to go instead to Quick Start Guide


Requirements - Make sure that : you have all requirements listed in this related documentation : Software requirements

Download the init script (.sh) for Datafari that can be re-run and will download all the required dependencies : The scripts are mentioned into this page : Software requirements

Run the script with command:

source init_server_datafari.sh

If a screen with “Services to restart” appears during initialisation, accept default options and <Ok> :


You now need to download datafari. If you are a debian/ubuntu user, here is the command:

wget https://www.datafari.com/files/debian/datafari.deb


To install Datafari you need to be root (enter “sudo -i” + <enter> before the command line below if you have signed in with another user) and run:

dpkg -i datafari.deb

Initialize Datafari (needs root account) :

The script will ask you to start Datafari at the end. If you answered no and you want to start it (needs root account or account must be in sudo group) :