Add the JCIFS-NG Connector to Datafari - Community Edition

Add the JCIFS-NG Connector to Datafari - Community Edition


Valid from 6.0

The documentation below is valid from Datafari v6.0 upwards

Datafari v6.0 has only be tested and is only compatible with JCIFS-NG 2.1.7 ! Lower version WILL NOT WORK and Upper versions MAY NOT WORK

Due to licences issues, we do not have the right to package the JCIFS-NG library with Datafari. So you have to download it on your own and to add it to Datafari.

If you want to add the JCIFS-NG connector to the list of existing connectors, here it is the procedure in order to do it. We distinct 2 cases :

  • CASE 1 : you just downloaded Datafari and you NEVER launched it

  • CASE 2 : you have an existing Datafari running

The beginning is the same for the two cases. If you are in the second case, you just need to follow few more steps that we will detail.


You need to do it before launch the script init-datafari.sh. If you have already your instance of Datafari that is running, go to case 2.

  1. Download the JCIFS NG jar version 2.1.7 here : https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/eu/agno3/jcifs/jcifs-ng/2.1.7/jcifs-ng-2.1.7.jar
    For example you can use wget :

    wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/eu/agno3/jcifs/jcifs-ng/2.1.7/jcifs-ng-2.1.7.jar
  2. Copy the JAR to /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home/connector-lib-proprietary folder

  3. Change the permissions to the JAR file that you just downloaded :  

    chmod 775 /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home/connector-lib-proprietary/jcifs*.jar chown datafari /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home/connector-lib-proprietary/jcifs*.jar
  4. Edit the file /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home/connectors.xml and uncomment the line :

    <!-- <repositoryconnector name="Windows shares" class="com.francelabs.datafari.connectors.share.SharedDriveConnector"/> -->

    You are done, you can launch init-datafari.sh now.


  1. Stop Datafari :  

  2. Download the JCIFS NG jar version 2.1.7 here : https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/eu/agno3/jcifs/jcifs-ng/2.1.7/jcifs-ng-2.1.7.jar
    For example you can use wget :

  3. Copy the JAR to /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home/connector-lib-proprietary folder

  4. Change the permissions to the JAR file that you just downloaded :  

  5. Edit the file /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home/connectors.xml and uncomment the line :


  6. Start Datafari

  7. initialize the connectors in MCF by lauching the script initialize.sh :

    You will see that the connector is now in the list of MCF connectors :


In the repository menu of MCF, the new connector is now present :



The JCIFS-NG version MUST BE the 2.1.3 ! Upper or lower versions are NOT SUPPORTED by the connector !

Due to licences issues, we do not have the right to package the JCIFS-NG library with Datafari. So you have to download it on your own and to add it to Datafari.

If you want to add the JCIFS-NG connector to the list of existing connectors, here it is the procedure in order to do it. We distinct 2 cases :

  • CASE 1 : you just downloaded Datafari and you NEVER launched it

  • CASE 2 : you have an existing Datafari running

The beginning is the same for the two cases. If you are in the second case, you just need to follow few more steps that we will detail.


You need to do it before launch the script init-datafari.sh. If you have already your instance of Datafari that is running, go to case 2.

  1. Download the JCIFS NG jar version 2.1.3 here : https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/eu/agno3/jcifs/jcifs-ng/2.1.3/jcifs-ng-2.1.3.jar
    For example you can use wget :

  2. Copy the JAR to /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home/connector-lib-proprietary folder


  3. Change the permissions to the JAR file that you just downloaded :  

  4. Edit the file /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home/connectors.xml and uncomment the line :

    You are done, you can launch init-datafari.sh now.


  1. Stop Datafari :  

  2. Download the JCIFS NG jar version 2.1.3 here : https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/eu/agno3/jcifs/jcifs-ng/2.1.3/jcifs-ng-2.1.3.jar
    For example you can use wget :

  3. Copy the JAR to /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home/connector-lib-proprietary folder


  4. Change the permissions to the JAR file that you just downloaded :  

  5. Edit the file /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home/connectors.xml and uncomment the line :

  6. Start Datafari

  7. initialize the connectors in MCF by lauching the script initialize.sh :

    You will see that the connector is now in the list of MCF connectors :


In the repository menu of MCF, the new connector is now present :