Setup development environment with Eclipse (Linux) for Datafari 4.x
Have a JDK installed on your PC (Java 8)
Have an IDE installed on your PC (in the guide we use Eclipse) and be able to launch it as root
Have git installed on your PC
Have maven and ant installed on your PC
Clone repository
Open a terminal and navigate to the folder where you want to have Datafari source code to be checked out (usually your workspace folder).
Perform a
git clone
to checkout the code. The root directory name is datafari.
Build Datafari for the development environment
Navigate to the folder datafari. We now call it DATAFARI_SRC.
Run a : 'mvn install
Run a : 'ant all
' in DATAFARI_SRC/debian7
Install Datafari
Get the dependencies :
apt-get install curl debconf unzip sudo libc6-dev jq lsof
Run a 'dpkg -i DATAFARI_SRC/debian7/installer/dist/datafari.deb
and type an admin password.
Open the project in Eclipse
In Eclipse,go to File -> Import... , type maven and « Existing Maven project ».
Select the DATAFARI_SRC folder as root directory and click Finish.
Change the permissions of the following folders :
chmod -R 777 /opt/datafari
chmod -R 700 /opt/datafari/pgsql
To add access rights to any user on datafari installation folder. Be careful : this should be done only for the development environment and should be avoided for a production deployment!
Setup the Tomcat server in Eclipse
Go to Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environments -> Add…
and select Apache Tomcat V.9.0.
Select DATAFARI_SRC/tomcat-dev
for the Tomcat Installation directory and Finish.
If Eclipse does not accept the Tomcat version, stop Eclipse, and copy the patch you can download here in the plugins directory of Eclipse installation directory.
In a Servers window (for example in Debug Perspectives), click on "add a server", select a "tomcat 9.0 server". Click on next and add Datafari webapp :
Click Finish.
Run Datafari
Run Datafari in normal mode. Go to /opt/datafari/bin
and run ./
Start Tomcat server with a right click → Start on the server:
Go to the Datafari URL (http://localhost:9080/Datafari)
Update Solr configuration :
If you change the solr configuration in DATAFARI_SRC/datafari-solr/solr_home
, you have to run the script in DATAFARI_SRC/datafari-solr
to update the config in Solr Cloud.
Configure connectors
Run Datafari tomcat. Go to the Datafari URL (http://localhost:9080/Datafari). Login in administrator (admin/admin).
In the left menu, click on Connectors; the Apache ManifoldCF login page shows up. Enter admin/admin to login (click on Login button, as the Enter key may not work).
Click on « List Output Connections » of Output section, and add a new « Output Connection ».
In Name tab, set the name to « DatafariSolr ».
In Type tab, set the connection type to Solr and then click on Continue button.
In the Server tab, set port to « 8983 », set web application name to « solr » and « Core/Collection name » to FileShare.
You can now save:
Your development environment is now ready.
For more information about ManifoldCF configuration, please have a look here: Crawling
Note that if after some time, you do a git pull and the build is not working anymore, it could be due to the Maven dependencies. Delete your local Maven repository in this case : the folder is : /your-user/.m2/