MCF simplified UI
Valid from Datafari 4.1.0
Datafari 4.1.0 and above propose a simplified UI to create MCF web jobs and file share jobs. The goal is to create jobs with pre-configured stability and performances recommendations in a transparent way for the user. With one UI and few parameters the user avoids several UI and lot of mistakes.
To do so, the jobs creation is handled by two servlets : com.francelabs.datafari.servlets.admin.MCFUISimplifiedWeb
and com.francelabs.datafari.servlets.admin.MCFUISimplifiedFiler
These servlets rely on json files to create the connectors and jobs. The json files are pre-configured MCF connectors and jobs backups and are loaded in memory then updated with the parameters entered by the user in the simplified UI. The location of these json files is DATAFARI_HOME/bin/common/config/manifoldcf/visilia/
Once the json files have been updated with the user's parameters, the servlet send them to ManifoldCF through the ManifoldCF API to create the corresponding connectors and jobs.