Installation of Datafari with Ansible

Installation of Datafari with Ansible

We added a new role into Ansible galaxy to easily deploy Datafari CE into your server by Ansible.

Currently the role works only for Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22. The role is available here : https://galaxy.ansible.com/francelabs/datafari

To use it, the requirements are :

  • of course to have Ansible into your controller host (minimum version 2.5)

  • to install Java 11 into your remote host, you can use this one : alvistack.openjdk

Here are the steps in order to use it :

  • Install the roles :

    ansible-galaxy install francelabs.datafari ansible-galaxy install alvistack.openjdk
  • Create a folder and inside it create two files :
    - inventory.txt
    - playbook.yml

    mkdir ansibledatafari touch ansibledatafari/inventory.txt touch ansibledatafari/playbook.yml
  • Edit inventory.txt :
    Put inside the host(s) to install Datafari on it. For example with a server’s IP that is : ans SSH public key connection the inventory is :

    [datafari] datafari_server ansible_connection=ssh ansible_host= ansible_ssh_user=root
  • Edit playbook.yml :
    The following example file indicates that we want to install Datafari into all our hosts present into inventory.
    become: true is to tell Ansible that we install the role's taks with root user.
    openjdk_release : "11" is to specify the version of Java we want. For Datafari we only support Java 11 for now.
    Finally, we indicate the roles that we want to install. First the role that will set Java into the remote host and the role to install Datafari

  • Launch the Ansible command to install the roles :

And you are done ! Datafari will be available into your remote server at https://IP_SERVER/datafariui