MCF Simplified UI configuration

Datafari v6 upwards

This doc section only concerns users of Datafari v6 upwards, if you are using an older version, please refer to your corresponding section further below.

The MCF dashboard may look complex for non experts. That is why we have created a set of simplified connectors, starting with the web connector and fileshare connector (plus DB, O365 and Sharepoint for Enterprise Edition users). The gain is that there are very few parameters to declare in order to launch a crawl with preconfigured settings .The loss is related to the gains: many parameters are preconfigured, but nothing prevents the user to switch to the MCF dashboard before starting the job, and to modify it as desired. For the EE edition, we propose automatic configurations of the following options: OCR, duplicates detections and Entities detections. You can get more details about the “Duplicates detection” option from the documentation.

Also, you will encounter a new parameter in each source type configuration that is not documented in the corresponding documentations: it is the “TimeZone” parameter. This parameter was added because since Datafari v6, the simplified jobs are now automatically configured with a preconfigured scheduled task, and this parameter is there to insure that the TimeZone used for the scheduled task fits your need. The scheduled crawl is configured to run everyday starting at 7pm with a maximum run time of 720 minutes so the job will automatically be paused at 7am. You can of course modify this configuration in the “Scheduling” tab of the job:

and/or you can also prevent the job to be automatically started by setting the parameter “Start method” to “Don’t automatically start this job” in the “Connection” tab of the job:

You can reach the simplified job UI from the admin UI:

For Web jobs and Filer jobs, the Simplified Job Creation Form provides a “Mode” option, allowing the user to choose between two modes.

  • Extended mode (default): The default filters will apply.

  • Office mode: Job will filter any document that does not have an extension related to an Office software (doc, xlsx, pdf, odf...).

It is possible to create a simplified job to crawl a website, using the Web Crawler Connector. By default, the job will include redirected links. This parameter may be changed in the “Inclusion” tab, in the job configuration.

See more information about the .

Valid from Datafari v4.3 up to v5.3

The documentation below is valid from Datafari 4.3 up to Datafari 5.3

The MCF dashboard may look complex for non experts. That is why we have created a set of simplified connectors, starting with the web connector and fileshare connector. The gain is that there are very few parameters to declare in order to launch a crawl with preconfigured settings .The loss is related to the gains: many parameters are preconfigured, but nothing prevents the user to switch to the MCF dashboard before starting the job, and to modify it as desired.

You can reach the simplified job UI from the admin UI: