Info |
Valid from 5.0The documentation below is valid from Datafari v3.0 upwards |
In order to crawl databases as MySQL or Oracle databases, please respect these steps (this example is for Debian and for a MySQL database but it is almost the same for Windows version) :
Download the Java connector for your database
Add the JAR file into the folder /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home/connector-lib-proprietary AND the folder /opt/datafari/tomcat-mcf/lib (yes, it is required in both folders), and make sure the jars have read access for the ‘datafari’ user
Here : mysql-connector-java-5.1.35-bin.jar
Edit the file : options.env.unix (in /opt/datafari/mcf/mcf_home ) (if you are on Windows, the file is
And add the path to the new lib in the -cp parameter :
You will have this :
Restart Datafari to load the library
You can now index your Database in ManifoldCF
Configure the repository connection :
You will see the message : 'Connection working' .
Next configure the job as usual :
And you will see in the history that the job is correctly executed.
You can check it in Solr admin :
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In order to crawl databases as MySQL or Oracle databases, please respect these steps (this example is for Debian and for a MySQL database but it is almost the same for Windows version) :
Here : mysql-connector-java-5.1.35-bin.jar
And add the path to the new lib in the -cp parameter : ./connector-lib-proprietary/mysql-connector-java-5.1.35-bin.jar: You will have this : |
You will see the message : 'Driver class not found' .But it is not the case : the driver is correctly loaded.
And you will see in the history that the job is correctly executed. You can check it in Solr admin : |