Valid from Datafari 6.0 upwards
The favorites functionnality allows connected user to save search results that they appreciate or want to look at later on.
When activated, the search interface will be as follows:
The only difference from a standard search result interface, is that it now includes the “favorite” icon next to each result title. This icon is a little black flag.
When the flag is empty, it means the corresponding document is not part of the user's favorites.
When the flag is fully black, it means it is part of the user's favorites.
Clicking on the flag will add or delete the document into the favorites.
In the screenshot above, “ManifoldCF << Datafari << France labs” is saved as a favorite (fully black flag), “ManifoldCF << France labs” is not (empty black flag).
Users can then manage their favorites by going in the Search Tools menu and selecting the “favorites” menu item:
From there he can directly open a document, visualise its path, or delete it.