Zookeeper dedicated to ManifoldCF

Zookeeper dedicated to ManifoldCF

Valid from Datafari EE 1.0, from Datafari CE 5.0

Initially in Datafari, ManifoldCF used files to synchronize processes : the syncharea (in $DATAFARI_HOME/mcf/mcf_home/syncharea).

Since Datafari 4.0, we use a dedicated Zookeeper to synchronize MCF processes.  Zookeeper is used to coordinate cluster processes and store global configuration.

The dedicated MCF Zookeeper is stored in $DATAFARI_HOME/zookeeper-mcf.

Therefore there are new configuration files in $MCF_HOME :

  • properties-global.xml : ManifoldCF shared configuration file, in the right place for the setglobalproperties script to find it

  • setglobalproperties.sh : script to initialize ZooKeeper with properties from properties-global.xml