Datafari gives you the opportunity to link an ontology to it, in order to enrich your documents with the ontology data and then use these additional infos in the search phase.

To do so, the first step is to add the OntologyUpdateProcessor as a custom UpdateProcessor in the file {Datafari_Home}/solr/solr_home/FileShare/conf/customs_solrconfig/custom_update_processors.xml

The OntologyUpdateProcessor will index, for each document inserted in Solr, the labels of the corresponding node into the specified ontology but also its parents and children labels and URIs.
It has several parameters that can be set:


If you decide not to use the default values for the fields, DO NOT FORGET to add them in the appropriate custom schema file(s) which are located in {Datafari_Home}/solr/solr_home/FileShare/conf/customs_schema
Otherwise none of the ontology features will work !




To implement the OntologyUpdateProcessor, follow these steps:


Then, you can configure Datafari to use the new Ontology infos on the search requests :


Your Datafari is now ready to use the ontology additional fields during search queries thanks to the OntologySuggestion.widget