In this section, we present all the functionalities that can be used by both anonymous and connected search users.
1. Anonymous search user :
This is the most basic type of user. This user can only use the search functionality, and gets only two possible displays: the search bar (including autocomplete), and the results list (including facets). He has no access to functionalities such as alerts, statistics, or saving favorites, or liking results. Also, since he is anonymous, he can only search through public data. Anything that has been labelled as restricted in terms of visibility (e.g. through ACLs for files) will not be searchable. If searching through these secured documents is required, the search user will need to switch to the "connected search user" role.
This is a role similar to the anonymous search user role, except that it proposes more search functionalities. Obviously, the user can search using the search bar (including autocomplete) and the results list (including facets). Contrarily to the anonymous user, he has access to functionalities such as alerts and saving favorites. To reach use these functionalities, the searcher needs may need to go in his administration panel, where he will see the required tabslink to authenticate. Also, he can search through secured documents. This means that when searching, Datafari does a security check on the documents and the user, and displays in the search result all the documents that the connected search user is allowed to see. Check the pages detailing the alerts functionnality and likes and favorites functionality to learn how to use it.