Info |
Used by default starting from Datafari 5.4 up to 5.5 Some parts are still under development |
IntroductionThe new Datafari API is trying to respect the principles of RESTFUL applications as much as possible and use json as the mean to exchange data. This means that everything returned by the API will be JSON, and any payload in POST and PUT requests made to the API will be in JSON too. On GET and DELETE requests, some parameter may be passed through url parmeters (either as part of the URL or in the search parameter String - anything that is after the “?”) PrefixEvery endpoint in this API are prefixed by /rest/VX.Y/ where X and Y are the major and minor versions of this API. Do also remember to add the relevant path to your Datafari web app (https://datafaridomain/Datafari/rest/VX.Y/endpoint) Response StructureAll responses are formatted using the following template: Code Block |
| {
"status": "OK|ERROR",
"content": {}
} |
In the following, any object presented as the response is showing the format of the content key in the above template. For errors, the content follows the following structure: Code Block |
| {
"code": {int},
"reason": {String},
"extra": {Object}
} |
code: an integer using the HTTP response code nomenclature reason: a String in English giving some details if relevant to help solve the problem or give context extra: a JSON object providing some extra information from the endpoint if relevant, can be null or empty
Do keep in mind that on some occasions the server might respond with an HTTP error code without any JSON payload, you must handle this case in your applications. EndpointsV2.0METHOD | URL | DESCRIPTION | QUERY BODY | RESPONSE | PROTECTED | EDITION |
GET | search/{handler}?{query} | More details about this API further down in this documentation ! Perform a search or suggest query. See below for more explanations. | | SPECIFIC RESPONSE FORMAT. See below for more explanations. | | CE | GET | results/export?query={query}&facetQuery[]={facetQuery}&facetField[]={facetField}&fq[]={fq}&sort={sort}&fl={fl}&nbResults={nbResults}&type=excel | More details about this API further down in this documentation ! Create an excel file containing the results of the provided query and query parameters. The number of results is limited by the nbResults parameter. See below for more explanations. | | A stream of the created export file. See below for more explanations. | | CE |
GET /rest/v2.0/search/*This is the endpoint to perform a search request. This endpoint expects a search handler to be provided as well as all the elements of a solr query as URL parameters. A simple example for a search query would be: Code Block |
GET {DATAFARI_BASE_URL}/rest/v2.0/search/select?q=*:* |
Note that {DATAFARI_BASE_URL} is by default of the following shape: [DATAFARI_DOMAIN_NAME]/Datafari This endpoints allows the use of only a few selected search handlers for security reasons. The handlers that can be called are different depending on the value of the special “action” URL parameter. action= | handlers allowed |
search OR unset | /select /stats /statsQuery /noaggregator | suggest | /suggest Configuration specific handlers for advanced autocomplete functionalities (entity recognition, …) |
The main handlers to keep in mind are /select and /suggest . Info |
It is also possible to add more allowed handlers. To do it, add them into $DATAFARI_HOME/tomcat/conf/ into : userAllowedHandlers property. Example : userAllowedHandlers=/newselect |
The /select handler is used to perform search queries while the /suggest handler is used to get suggestions for autocomplete. If you wonder how to format your queries (either for search or query), please refer to the Solr documentation as well as the rest of Datafari’s documentation for the fields available. Info |
Note that we also provide {DATAFARI_BASE_URL}/rest/v2.0/search/noaggregator that does exactly the same thing as the search API, except that there is no aggregation on it to avoid infinite loops when using the aggregator mode. |
The response format of this endpoint does not follow the standard response format of this API. The payload of the response is the response from solr (please refer to the Solr documentation to see what those response look like or experiment with the endpoint). If solr encountered an error, the endpoint will most of the time respond with 200 status, the error being in the solr response itself. If an error occurred while Datafari is querying Solr, the response may be a 500 or 5xx http response with possibly no JSON (and maybe an html page as a response body). For each document in the response, they have two fields for the url: doc.url : the original url of the document
doc.click_url : The url to use for the href link to send the user to the document (and will track user clicks to get statistics in the search engine)
GET /rest/v2.0/results/export?*This is the endpoint to perform an export of the result of a provided query. Here are the parameters to provide: query: the main query to perform. ex: query=*:* facetQuery: An array containing all the facet queries. ex:
facetQuery[]={!key=From%20100KB%20To%2010MB}original_file_size:[102400 TO 10485760]&facetQuery[]={!key=More%20Than%2010MB}original_file_size:[10485760 TO *] facetField: An array containing all the facet fields. ex:
facetField[]=extension&facetField[]=language&facetField[]=source fq: An array containing all the active filter queries. ex:
fq[]={!tag=query}original_file_size:[102400 TO 10485760]&fq[]={!tag=author}(author:"agence de l'eau artois picardie") sort: The sort method to apply to results, can be either "score desc", or "score asc". ex:
sort=score desc fl: The list of fields that must be returned in the results. The fields must be separated by a coma. ex:
fl=title,last_modified,url nbResults: The number of results that the export file must contain. ex:
nbResults=500 Be careful with this parameter, because the higher is the number, the more the query will take time and the export file will be big type: The type of the export file to generate. Currently (December 2022) the only supported type is “excel”:
Here is an example of a GET request to the export API: Code Block |
/rest/v2.0/results/export?query=*:*&facetQuery[]=original_file_size:[102400 TO 10485760]&facetQuery[]=original_file_size:[10485760 TO *]&facetField[]=extension&facetField[]=language&fq[]=original_file_size:[102400 TO 10485760]&sort=score desc&fl=title,last_modified,url&nbResults=10&type=excel |
The response of this endpoint is a bytes input stream of the generated export file. In a standard web browser like chrome, it will trigger a download process V1.0Bellow is a set of API endpoints that are implemented or in the roadmap. Endpoints that are not implemented are clearly identified by the “NOT IMPLEMENTED” string in the response column. Those endpoints return a 501 HTTP Response code when queried (which is the code for the NOT_IMPLEMENTED http error). For implemented endpoints, query body and format for the content object of the response in case of success are provided. Info |
The auth endpoint is particular and can't be called using AJAX, the user must be redirected to this endpoint and Datafari will redirect the user back to the callback URL once the authentication is performed successfully. |
GET | users/current | Get the information about the currently connected user | | Code Block |
"lang": {String}
"uiConfig": {Obj}
} |
see Customizing DatafariUI for more information about the uiConfig object. | Authenticated User | PUT | users/current | Update user information, only the language and uiConfig can be modified. | Code Block |
"uiConfig"?: {Obj}
} |
see Customizing DatafariUI for more information about the uiConfig object. Both arguments are optional, if none is provided, nothing is done | Code Block |
"lang": {String}
"uiConfig": {Obj}
} |
| Authenticated User | GET | users/current/uiconfig | Get only the uiConfig for the current user | | Code Block |
"uiConfig": {Obj}
} |
see Customizing DatafariUI for more information about the uiConfig object. | Authenticated User | PUT | users/current/uiconfig | Update only the uiConfig for the current user | Code Block |
"uiConfig": {Obj}
} |
see Customizing DatafariUI for more information about the uiConfig object. | Code Block |
"uiConfig": {Obj}
} |
echos the query | Authenticated User | GET | status/features/favorites | Provide the status of the favorite feature | | Code Block |
"activated":{boolean as String}
} |
| | GET | users/current/alerts | Provide the list of alerts for the current user | | Code Block |
"filters":{String - optional},
"user": {String - username}
} |
| Authenticated User | POST | users/current/alerts | Create a new alert for the current user | Code Block |
"core":{String - the solr core for the query},
"frequency":{String - },
"keyword":{String - optional, query keywords, defaults to *:*},
"filters":{String - optional, for facets etc., defaults to null},
} |
| Code Block |
"_id": {String},
"frequency":{String - },
} |
Echos the parameters with the created id | Authenticated User | PUT | users/current/alerts/{id} | Updates alert {id} for the current user | Code Block |
"core":{String - the solr core for the query},
"frequency":{String - },
"keyword":{String - optional, query keywords, defaults to *:*},
"filters":{String - optional, for facets etc., defaults to null},
} |
| Code Block |
"_id": {String},
"core":{String - the solr core for the query},
"frequency":{String - },
"keyword":{String - optional, query keywords, defaults to *:*},
"filters":{String - optional, for facets etc., defaults to null},
} |
Response should be an echo of the query with an updated ID | Authenticated User | DELETE | users/current/alerts/{id} | Delete alert {id} from the current user alerts | | Code Block |
"_id": {String},
"core":{String - the solr core for the query},
"frequency":{String - },
"keyword":{String - optional, query keywords, defaults to *:*},
"filters":{String - optional, for facets etc., defaults to null},
} |
The deleted alert object is returned. | Authenticated User | GET | users/current/savedsearches | Retrieve the set of saved searches for the current user | | Code Block |
} |
| | POST | users/current/savedsearches | Creates a new saved search for the current user | Code Block |
"name":{String - the name},
"search":{String - the query},
} |
| Code Block |
"name":{String - the name},
"search":{String - the query},
} |
Echos the parameters | | PUT | users/current/savedsearches/{savedSearchname} | Updates the saved search with name savedSearchname for the current user | Code Block |
"name":{String - the name},
"search":{String - the query},
} |
The name property of the object must be the same as the name provided in the URL | Code Block |
"name":{String - the name},
"search":{String - the query},
} |
Echos the saved data | | DELETE | users/current/savedseaches/{savedSearchname} | Delete the saved search with name savedSearchname for the current user. | | Code Block |
"name":{String - the name},
"search":{String - the query},
} |
Echos the deleted saved search data | | GET | users/current/favorites | Retrieve the list of favorites for the current user | | Code Block |
"id": {String},
"title": {String}
} |
| | POST | users/current/favorites | Adds a new favorite for the current user | Code Block |
} |
| Code Block |
} |
Echos the information of the saved favorite | | DELETE | users/current/favorites | Delete the favorite with the id provided in the body for the current user. | Code Block |
} |
| Code Block |
} |
Echos the information of the deleted favorite | | GET | users/current/history | Retrieve the current user history (past queries). | | Code Block |
} |
History is an array of String representing the last queries from the current user. User must be authenticated to have an history, will return an error if not authenticated. Queries are sorted from the latest to the oldest. Strings represent only what has been entered in the search bar (or as the q= parameter of the query to the backend) As of commit f7be3cd03f2fe2b920af234a9bbbe3f238d35f9f | | GET | goldenqueries | Retrieve the list of saved golden queries | | NOT IMPLEMENTED | SearchExpert SearchAdmin | GET | goldenqueries/{id} | Retrieve the information of a particular golden query | | NOT IMPLEMENTED | SearchExpert SearchAdmin | POST | goldenqueries | Creates a new golden query | | NOT IMPLEMENTED | SearchExpert SearchAdmin | PUT | goldenqueries/{id} | Updates the golden query with the provided id | | NOT IMPLEMENTED | SearchExpert SearchAdmin | DELETE | goldenqueries/{id} | Deletes the golden query with the provided id | | NOT IMPLEMENTED | SearchExpert SearchAdmin | GET | fields/info | Get the list of information about solr fields that can be used. | | Code Block |
} |
| | GET | fields/exact | Get the list of exact search fields (for advanced search) | | Code Block |
} |
| | GET | fields/autocomplete | Get the list of fields for which an autocomplete is available (for advanced search) | | Code Block |
} |
| | GET | fields/label | Get the list of mappings between fields name and labels (for display purposes) | | Code Block |
} |
| | GET | fields/fixedvalues | Get the list of fields that can only take fixed values and their list of possible values (for advanced search) | | Code Block |
"fieldname":[{"value":"solr_field_value","label":"label_todisplay"}, "*", ...],
} |
When an entry in the array is not an object with a value and label key but only a string, it is used both as the value and label | | GET | help/{locale} | Get the help text in the provided locale with a fallback to a default text if the required locale is not available. | | Code Block |
} |
| | GET | privacy/{locale} | Get the privacy text in the provided locale with a fallback to a default text if the required locale is not available. | | Code Block |
} |
| | GET | licence | Get information about the licence currently in use. To display warning message when relevant. | | Code Block |
"contact": {String - email},
"time": {String - valid | ending | overdue | expired},
"files": {String - valid | ending | overdue | expired},
"users": {String - valid | ending | overdue | expired}
} |
Users information is shown to administrator users only ending = close to reach the limit of the licence overdue = licence limit has been reached but the system still function for a limited time expired = the system or at least part of it has stopped until a proper licence is issued | | GET | aggregator | Get the list of sources available in the aggregator when it is active. | | Code Block |
"aggregatorList": [
"label": str,
?selected: bool
} |
An array of available aggregated sources for the current user, each element of the array is an object with the following properties: label: used for display and for addition to the query when one wants to query specific sources. If no list of source is added to the query and the aggregator is active, the default list of sources for the user will be used. selected: optional, usually only present if set to true. Tells which sources are part of the default set of search sources for the current user.
Returns and empty array if the aggregator feature is not active. | | GET | sources/external | Get the list of external source available | | NOT IMPLEMENTED | | GET | URL?url=blablabla | Redirects to the required document, used to send the user to the source document when he clicks on the result. | | NOT IMPLEMENTED | | GET | search/{handler}?{query} | Perform a search or suggest query. | | SPECIFIC RESPONSE FORMAT | | GET | results/export | Get the csv version of the results for export | | NOT IMPLEMENTED | | GET | results/download?file=path | download the provided file from the results | | NOT IMPLEMENTED | | GET | auth?callback=url | | User must be redirected to this URL, Datafari will redirect to the callback URL after the auth process is complete. | User redirected to the callback URL | |
Keep in mind that for now, this API is meant to cover standard users actions only. Admin actions are out of the scope for the time being. DetailsSpecial casesAuthFor use authentication, the browser must be redirected to the auth endpoint. Once Datafari has finished the authentication process, the user is redirected to the callback URL provided as a URL parameter. The URL to redirect the user to is: Code Block |
{DATAFARI_BASE_URL}/rest/v1.0/auth?callback=url |
Provide any URL you need the user to be send back to as the value for the callback parameter. GET /rest/v1.0/search/*This is the endpoint to perform a search request. This endpoint expects a search handler to be provided as well as all the elements of a solr query as URL parameters. A simple example for a search query would be: Code Block |
GET {DATAFARI_BASE_URL}/rest/v1.0/search/select?q=*:* |
This endpoints allows the use of only a few selected search handlers for security reasons. The handlers that can be called are different depending on the value of the special “action” URL parameter. action= | handlers allowed |
search OR unset | /select /stats /statsQuery / | suggest | /suggest Configuration specific handlers for advanced autocomplete functionalities (entity recognition, …) |
The main handlers to keep in mind are /select and /suggest. The /select handlers is used to perform search queries while the suggest handler is used to get suggestions for autocomplete. For how to format you queries (either for search or query), please refer to the Solr documentation as well as the rest of Datafari’s documentation for the fields available. The response format of this endpoint does not follow the standard response format of this API. The payload of the response is the response from solr unfiltered (please refer to the Solr documentation to see what those response look like or experiment with the endpoint). If solr encountered an error, the endpoint will most of the time respond with 200 status, the error being in the solr response itself. If an error occurred while Datafari is querying Solr, the response may be a 500 or 5xx http response with possibly no JSON (and maybe an html page as a response body). Standard endpointsGET /rest/v1.0/users/currentThis endpoints returns the information about the currently connected user in the following form: Code Block |
"name": {username}
"roles": [{roles list}]
"lang": {locale}
} |
Exemple request / responseRequest: Code Block |
curl "https://localhost/Datafari/rest/v1_0/current" |
Response: Code Block |
"status": "OK",
"content": {
"name": "admin"
"roles": ["SearchAdmin"]
"lang": "en"
} |