The community Because major version changes of Datafari represent major technical changes behind the scenes, Datafari does not provide support for automatic updates , therefore any migration you are planning between two major versions of Datafari (ex : Datafari 1.X to Datafari 2.x) requires lots of manual handling. Updates , and you need to manually operate your migration. On the contrary, updates between two minor versions of Datafari should work are possible (ex: Datafari 2.0 to Datafari 2.X). As for any software update, but we strongly recommend you to backup your current version before doing it.
To update minor versions of Datafari, you only need to run the 'dpkg -i [path to the Datafari .deb file]' command. All the files that have changed in the new version will be updated but if you have followed our recommendations concerning the Widgets and CSSs good practices and the Custom Solr configuration, none of your modifications should be affected and neither the Solr index or the data should have changed.
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