It may be convenient to force this date if you want to update documents from a date before the last execution date of the job (which is the default behavior). An other good reason to force this date, is to avoid a full crawl after a previous crash of the job. In this particular case, you will need to modify the job status to DONE in the “atomicUpdateLastExec“ file, otherwise the full crawl will still be executed. See more in and To clarify more, see https://datafari.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DATAFARI/pages/2939387906/Atomic+Update+Management#When-the-job-is-done and https://datafari.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DATAFARI/pages/2939387906/Atomic+Update+Management#What-happens-when-a-job-fails%3F.
Specify "full" (not case sensitive) to force full crawl. A Full crawl may be necessary if for some reason, one or more of your jobs in the Atomic Update chain has run a full crawl causing the overwriting of fields to be updated by Atomic Update.