(optional) you can force the date from which to select documents (based on last_modified Solr field). The expected date format is either "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" or "yyyy-MM-dd". The expected date format is "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" with or without time specified, and french format is supported . Specify "full" (not case sensitive) to force full crawl. A Full crawl may be necessary if for some reason, one or more of your jobs in the Atomic Update chain has run a full crawl causing the overwriting of fields to be updated by Atomic Update.
Code Block |
bash atomic-updates-launcher.sh SPACY or bash atomic-updates-launcher.sh SPACY full or bash atomic-updates-launcher.sh SPACY "052023/02/202305" |
To create a scheduled Service use the Cron tool.