The only parameter that is really important and that matters, is the “Database raw connection string”. The CSV JDBC driver must connect to a local folder (local on the machine where the job using the CSV driver will run), containing CSV files you want to crawl. So the “Database raw connection string” must be set with the absolute path of the local folder containing the CSV files to crawl, for example ‘/home/francelabs/csv’. The specified folder and all its subfiles the files it contains must also have read permissions for the user running the MCF instance, which is ‘datafari’ by default on a standard Datafari installation. We recommend the files to be at the root of the specified folder, we have not tested the behavior with subfolders.
2. Queries
Concerning the queries, there are some things to understand in order to build working ones.
First, the tables names MUST correspond to the CSV files names in the folder that you have configured in the database connection. For example, considering you have the following files in the folder configured in section 1:
Last, if you set labels for columns in your query, the driver will use the labels for the WHERE clause. So if you label a column with another name, and want to set a WHERE clause on the same column, you will need to use its label in the WHERE clause. For example, if we take the previous CSV file content and want to build a query that use the label ‘doc_id’ for the ‘id’ column and define a WHERE clause to only get the id which is equal to '1', then we will build it like this: